Thursday, October 8, 2009

Surgery Day!

At 1:07pm, I'm sitting in a skinny little bed with hospital bling on my left hand. I've talked to Dr. Barba and my hip has a pretty picture on it. The house symbol means that I'm going home (as opposed to a nursing home), the "M" is his initial and the "hospitalist" is the doc I saw 2 weeks ago. Not sure why he gets credit here. : )

Sam's enjoying this immensely I can tell (that's a lie).

I'll write more later. This needle in the back of my hand is rather annoying.

Sam's writing this:

The surgery itself lasted about an hour and 45 minutes, but we got to the hospital at 10:45, she went into prep for the surgery at 1:19, and the surgery started at 1:54....then, I didn't see her again until 5:15ish because she took awhile in the recovery room.

The doctor told me that my  mom could run again in 6 months. I think she's pretty excited about that. She thought about writing another blurb for me to post after surgery, but then she fell asleep mid-sentence. I'm sure she'll have more for me to post tomorrow.

She's going to be forced to walk tonight, which will probably be pretty painful, but she's got a button to press for Morphine, which she can use every 10 minutes and I'm sure she will.


  1. Atta girl, Hang in there! Glad they got the 'M" right! Your picture is sight for sore eyes. Sounds like you are in good hands, as long as they don't mistake the M for an upside down W. Take care. BR

  2. Great to hear that everything went well. I hope your walk tonight wasn't too painful. I am impressed that in 6 months and you will be running again. Did you ask the doc to put in the hip that will make you run really fast? I am glad Sam was with you today to help out,

    No chasing orderlies now.


  3. Remember, you have to walk before you can run. I hope it wasn’t too painful. Don’t over do it.

    If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

    Get well soon.
