Monday, October 19, 2009

Invasion of the Asian Lady Beetles (a.k.a. fake ladybugs)

How in the HECK do those creepy little bugs get into my house? I was gone for an hour - to have a blood draw - and I return and these ugly bugs are all over the INSIDE of my front window. The nerve.

With them, the box elder bugs. They at least have the courtesy to stay outside. Also, somewhere out there - and I haven't found it yet - is a very large wasp nest. I only know that because the wasp traffic is very heavy outside my door. I won't use my front door during the day until I figure out where their home is. They aren't staying here without paying rent, and I have a feeling they'll be evicted. I'm just not in the mood to house freeloaders.

None of this has anything to do with my hip. I'm off course. Well, it didn't start out that way. I was on my way to the lab when I noticed all the bugs, so it sort of does. And then I was distracted by my beautiful maple trees...which have yet to drop their leaves. Stunning, don't you agree? Every year I praise the beauty of this view, only to curse the 12" thick blanket of leaves a couple weeks later.

SO, yeah. Focus...the blood is great (have to have it checked twice a week while I'm on Coumadin...which is my only remaining prescription drug). I'm walking very well with crutches and can put full weight on my leg. I have no pain. Some of my physical therapy exercises push me, but I wouldn't describe it as pain. My incision itches and that is very annoying. Two more days and I'll have all that metal removed, so maybe that will help. Also, and most remarkably, I haven't had ice cream for more than two weeks and I am surprisingly still alive.

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