Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last appointment before surgery

Today I met with Francie, the PA-C that will be assisting with the surgery. She checked the incision location for any potential problems and found none. She then gave me the run down of what to expect next Thursday. It was nice to meet her. Apparently she assists with all of Dr. Barba's surgeries.

Here's a picture of the Birmingham hip model they have in the office. Dr. Barba's nurse told me there is a possibility that once they get in there, they may have to do a total hip replacement whereby they cut the whole top of the hip off at the top of the femur and pound a metal thingy down into the femur marrow. Sounds disgusting....I know. If your are at all familiar with the medieval-looking tools they use for this procedure, it's all the more disgusting. Good thing I'll be sound asleep when they make the decision, but I hope to wake up with a Birmingham hip and not the other one.

I don't even know if I'll have internet access while I'm in the there may be a delay in my updates.
I'll have to check on that. Have I mentioned that I miss ibuprofen?

The second picture here is the piece that goes into the socket. It's very lightweight. 8 more days. I miss naproxen too.


  1. I thought you were going to have me post stuff for you....just let me know because I have no idea how to use this bloggy stuff.

  2. I'll teach you before we leave for the hospital just in case I don't have internet there. :)

  3. I can only imagine how good you will feel after you recover from the surgery. You have been in pain too long. I have had a few friends who have had this surgery and did great. The key is to have someone help you the first few days after you get home. I hope that Sam is planning to stay with you to help you out. You need someone to make sure you don't over do it and prolong your recovery. Also, you need someone to help you get around the house so you can ease yourself back into your daily routine. I would hate to see you overwork and possibly fall.

    Good luck with the surgery and I will be praying for your quick recovery.

  4. Thanks, Gary. Stay tuned! Hope all is well with you and the girls.
