Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last appointment before surgery

Today I met with Francie, the PA-C that will be assisting with the surgery. She checked the incision location for any potential problems and found none. She then gave me the run down of what to expect next Thursday. It was nice to meet her. Apparently she assists with all of Dr. Barba's surgeries.

Here's a picture of the Birmingham hip model they have in the office. Dr. Barba's nurse told me there is a possibility that once they get in there, they may have to do a total hip replacement whereby they cut the whole top of the hip off at the top of the femur and pound a metal thingy down into the femur marrow. Sounds disgusting....I know. If your are at all familiar with the medieval-looking tools they use for this procedure, it's all the more disgusting. Good thing I'll be sound asleep when they make the decision, but I hope to wake up with a Birmingham hip and not the other one.

I don't even know if I'll have internet access while I'm in the there may be a delay in my updates.
I'll have to check on that. Have I mentioned that I miss ibuprofen?

The second picture here is the piece that goes into the socket. It's very lightweight. 8 more days. I miss naproxen too.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I miss ibuprofen.

That's all...tylenol just doesn't do it for me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What Is Hell??

“What is hell? I still maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love”....Dostoevsky

"What is hell? Day one of 14 of a mandatory, pre-surgical avoidance of anti-inflammatory drugs on the same day as the first of a two-part root canal procedure".....Me

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16, Part Two

My lab work was all good, my blood pressure is normal, my EKG was great, and my blood sugar is a little on the low side, which (Doc says) is good. I am a low-risk surgery patient.

The countdown continues. 22 days.

I noticed some signs in the front of the hospital parking lot designated for clergy. They say "Thou Shalt Not Park". Very funny, St. Anthony. Who knew you were such a ham....

September 16, Part One

I never realized the similarities between a group of five-year-olds and a group of over-seventy-year-olds. Both groups interrupt the speaker (or teacher) by speaking out of turn, they try to out-do each other ("Oh yeah? well this is my THIRD joint replacement don'tcha know!"), they have to use the restroom often, and they need to ask their Mom/Daughter before they make decisions. One can sense they are overwhelmed. That's my Aunt Emma in the pic. Doesn't she look like the Hallmark icon "Maxine"? hahahaha.... (she died last year at 100 years old, so I can say that about her now. Can't I?) The little guy is Cole. He's my step-grandson. He wears blue moon ice cream very well.

      I was listening intently to the medicare/nursing home part of today's hip/knee clinic wondering how and why I ended up here. It is what it is, I guess. It's something I need to do and regardless of the fact I represent a different generation than most of my 'classmates', we obviously all have the same goal in mind. After class, the RN/instructor announced that she will take the first four people over to the lab, as they can only check in a few patients at a time. The rush for the door was like being first in line for recess. I brought up the rear.

My lab work is done. I have tiny veins and am always grateful when the lab tech can get the job done first try. I also had an EKG. What I need now is a nap. to the doc.

Friday, September 11, 2009

No, it's not WILSON

Nurse Denise from St. Anthony's Hospital called me today to get my medical history. The hospital had me listed under the wrong name. ugh...

She told me I can have nothing to eat or drink after 11:00 pm the night before surgery. The morning of surgery I need to bring with me: a photo ID, insurance card, living will (don't have that), power of attorney (don't have that either) and crutches. She also suggested that I don't wear makeup. That was funny. Do women actually consider wearing makeup on surgery day?

Dr. Barba will see me before the surgery and autograph my left hip. That's nice. No one has ever autographed any of my body parts :)

Surgery will take approximately 165 minutes. First phase recovery room....1.5 hours. 1st floor, Orthopedics, 2 or 3 days.... Marine Corps Marathon - October 2010.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The next step in the process is pre-authorization and registration. Done and done. I am also registered for a visit to the St. Anthony's hospitalist for pre-surgery medical clearance and a half-day information session. I have a long list of questions and concerns that will be answered during this "hip class".

29 more days. It's kind of scary to think about.... but at the same time I am SO looking forward to pain-free nights, no more 'needles' in my hip, walking for miles, running....and other things I've been unable to accomplish due to limited range of motion.
I came across this very informative video about the surgery. With my limited medical background (I know how to properly administer Bandaids, ibuprofen, Dayquil and even an occasional Ace bandage), I can appreciate the plain talk.