Monday, November 9, 2009


Not much to write about lately, but just know that I'm doing fine. My other hip really bothered me after PT today, but I think for good reason.  
My 45 minutes of fun consisted of: 
1. Going up and down a flight of stairs 10 times. rapidly.
2.  Lunges. Oh, how I love thee.  And, just for fun, lets do the second set with my eyes closed. Yep.

3.  Standing on my left leg with a tether around my waist. Throwing a 1.5 lb ball at a trampoline in such a fashion that it bounces back to me. This exercise proved to me - as if I didn't already know - that my Dad's fastpitch softball pitching skills simply skipped a generation and landed in Katy's left hand. I don't know why this task was so ridiculously difficult for me. True, I am not the most graceful person. True, standing on one foot and tossing a ball constitutes multi-tasking and my kids will tell you that I cannot multitask. But geeeeesh you'd think at 10' I could hit a 3' x 3' square, right? Ummm. a couple times.
4. The highlight of my PT today (and you thought it was the ball toss? ha.)....picture this....lie on your back with your legs extended. Bring up your right leg so your knee is at a 90 degree angle pointed to the ceiling, foot flat on the table. Raise your left leg about 6" off the table (the leg connected to the new Birmingham Hip. Yes, that one.) and leave it suspended. Ready? Lift your butt off the table without using your elbows for support. 10 times, then switch legs. Try it, just for fun.  I was wiped by the end of that session. 

OK, I'm done complaining. For now. NO WAIT...I'm on a low-carb diet. I'd like to complain about that.

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