Saturday, August 20, 2011

another year gone by

I haven't been HERE forever! I skipped over last year's surgery for several reasons. #1, and most importantly, I moved about 1-1/2 hours away from where I was. #2, my hip wasn't bothering me to the degree where I thought I wanted to go through another surgery. #3, I wanted to wait and see how much flexibility I was able to achieve with my new hip. As it turns out, my range of motion is still somewhat (and disappointingly) limited.

Now that I've gotten a job at Starbucks and have absolutely wonderful benefits, I'm revisiting the current options for hip #2. I've visited Dr. Mark Dolan from Northwestern Orthopaedic Institute of Chicago and am contemplating my next move.  The throbbing in my hip is starting to keep me awake at night and walking for exercise is becoming more of a dream than a reality.

Lots of reading to do and big decisions to make. Here we go again.